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What Is A Virtual Senior Wellness Session Like?


Updated: Mar 20, 2023

Wondering what a virtual physical therapy or wellness visit looks like?

I work with people both in person and virtually for a variety of reasons and circumstances. Our virtual visits can take on many forms. This is an uncut/unedited session with a real client today. This client is mature in years and young at heart. She does not have any particular injury or problem per se. She enjoys our sessions to simply have some knowledgeable instruction, accountability and guidance in a regular exercise program. The benefits she has enjoyed include no falls, greater confidence in being alone in home, more power in doing household chores and improved endurance when walking on the beach with her family.

When evaluating a client similar to this we always start with a wellness assessment and evaluate and measure specific functional tests in several categories. We have tests that help us understand where the "weakest link" is in the categories of wellness and fitness that include; cardiovascular, flexibility, strength, balance and general mobility. This allows us to design sessions that address each component and track progress as we go along.

This is an example of a typical session that is broken down into sections.

  • Warm up

  • Balance Movements

  • Strength Movements

  • Flexibility Movements

In the big spectrum of things if I had to level this session lets level it Level 2 on a 0-10 scale for mature aged adults.

It isn't rocket science and it isn't glamorous but it is exercise science, movement is medicine, and we have a good time. Follow along.

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Pick a time you can talk to one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy to see how we can help you.

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